Indian benchmark indices opened higher on Friday, extending gains to day three this week, as Nifty Bank, auto, FMCG and IT sectors led the morning trade. In early trade, Nifty rose 0.31 per cent to 23 ...
We also explain what oil blends are (like Brent and WTI), and ways you can speculate on live crude oil spot prices without having to buy physical barrels. Read on to learn more about the live crude ...
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
Most of you are familiar with lithium batteries and the drug for bipolar disorder. But did you know it used to be put in soda for hangovers, and it saved the lives of the Apollo 13 astronauts? You don ...
Metal Power Analytical specializes in designing and manufacturing cutting-edge analytical instruments and solutions for the metal industry, addressing diverse needs with precision and innovation.
Oil cleansing can include products that lather, but it often simply involves pure oils rinsed away with a damp washcloth. Some people, particularly those who follow a K-beauty skin care routine ...