Samsung Galaxy Note mobile was launched in October 2011. The phone comes with a 5.29-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 800x1280 pixels at a pixel density of 285 pixels per inch (ppi).
As expected, it's trade-in rebates that dominate the first Galaxy S25 deals on the market. In the US, you're looking at rebates of up to $1,000 off, while those in the UK can get a respectable £500 ...
Samsung has surprisingly confirmed that the Galaxy S25 Edge (formerly known as the S25 Slim) is coming... sooner or later, which makes me think a Galaxy S26 Note could also be in the pipeline.
It even inspired other device makers to launch similar devices, though it's been hard for them to offer a differentiating feature. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 mobile was launched in September 2013. The ...