The show, based on Hugh Howey's novels, takes place in an underground silo inhabited by 10,000 people living throughout its 144 floors in a post-apocalyptic world, so really, could there be any other ...
No premiere date for The Boys Season 5 has been announced, but we're expecting a 2026 release at the earliest. That's because the last three seasons have seen a roughly two-year gap in between each of ...
If your favorite winter activity is staying indoors, plenty of this season's biggest shows will make you feel good about that decision — and not just because they're so entertaining. Netflix's ...
Max used to be known as "HBO Max," and it took a while for it to figure out its own identity instead of making HBO shows that aren't good enough for HBO proper. But it's landed on something with ...
Lynch's second film, a biopic of famously deformed 19th century Englishman Joseph Merrick, might be his most normal and mainstream work, demonstrating quite clearly that Lynch had some immense ...
Saying that Shōgun Season 1 has dominated awards season would be an understatement. At the 2025 Golden Globes, the series won all four awards it was nominated for including Best Drama Series, Best ...
It's impressive how quickly Severance throws the viewer back into the action. We don't know — at first, anyway — how much time has passed since the innies staged their prison break in the Season 1 ...