A new Massachusetts law allows cities and school districts to implement automated traffic enforcement cameras to deter drivers from passing stopped school buses.
Title IX policy shifts have undone federal protections against harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but the University’s anti-discrimination policies remain largely unchanged.
York Harbor in Maine. It ran approximately eight miles deep but caused no fatalities or damage. The earthquake was the fifth largest in the state’s history, the strongest being a 4.7 magnitude ...
Community members are welcomed to free workshops with the police that cover topics such as trust building and procedural justice concepts, police ask for feedback and ideas for the future.
Brandeis University community received an email from the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Lauren Haynie and Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lee Bitsóí, expressing that ...
Klein: Agreed — they really love their sandwiches. Also, the connection between Prime Deli and Brandeis is remarkable; the back wall is filled with various Brandeis clubs’ shirts. Klein: Okay, now to ...