DePauw University is pleased to announce the exceptional scholars who have attained Dean's List honors for the Fall 2024 term.
Exception 2024: All hourly personnel whose positions are budgeted for 1535 or 1605 hours will observe the Memorial Day holidays on Friday May 24, 2024, which is also their last normal scheduled day of ...
The Economics and Management department offers majors in economics and finance that broaden understanding of economic behavior, domestic and international government policies, and social institutions.
The Asian studies major is geared towards a broad-ranging knowledge of China, India, and Japan through language, history, literature, film, religion, politics, economics and the arts. The Asian ...
Since structuralism in literary studies is largely of French origin, let this attempt to ruin its reputation have as its motto the words of a Frenchman, Pierre Bertaux: At one time it was hoped that ...
The Malpas Scholarship Trust Award was created to provide awards for outstanding and deserving Indiana public school students whose family circumstances would preclude them from attending DePauw for ...
DePauw’s Online Alumni Directory allows all members of the Alumni Association to search for and connect with fellow alumni. You must login to access the Online Alumni Directory and your personal ...
Computing enables you to make a positive difference in the world. According to the Association of Computing Machinery: "Computing drives innovation in the sciences (human genome project, AIDS vaccine ...
When Baudrillard writes that we live in an age of simulacra, he is not wrong. The phenomena he describes can be observed in corner video stores, supermarket aisles, and neighborhood gas stations as ...
1. The Outside Observer in Utopia. The 20th century has seen the growth of the social sciences and the "humane sciences" as one of its more important developments in speculative thought, a fact ...
Such a statement requires not only justification but considerable elaboration. Written science fiction is, of course, literature, although science fiction in other media (films, drama, perhaps even ...
Develop the leadership skills, critical thinking and experience necessary to lead in today’s world. Our brilliant faculty and co-curricular liberal arts approach make this transformation possible.