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Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and risk of chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and stage 1–3 chronic kidney disease ...
Correction to “Nomenclature revision may mitigate potential overtreatment of incidental finding of coronary calcium on chest computed tomography” ...
In a recent article published in CMAJ , El Sabawy and colleagues highlight the critical importance of health data interoperability and the positive influence that Bill C-72 may have toward that goal.[ ...
Clinical Images: Lupus vulgaris in a 58-year-old man ...
Upper respiratory tract infections are commonly associated with olfactory dysfunction.2 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is a frequent causative pathogen; the incidence of olfactory dysfunction at 6 months after ...
As a composer, I have channelled emotions into art for as long as I can remember. When death was still only an abstract concept to me, I approached it with tentative curiosity. I allowed myself to ...
Prevention of harms from opioids prescribed by physicians is complicated by the need to ameliorate patients’ suffering from acute pain. Opioid-naive patients pose a particular challenge, as they may ...
L’endométriose est une maladie complexe qui peut causer des douleurs pelviennes et l’infertilité. Elle peut toucher plusieurs systèmes et organes et nuire à la qualité de vie. La cause de ...
Legionella is an atypical cause of community-acquired pneumonia that often presents with a prodrome of fever, malaise, fatigue, and occasionally diarrhea before respiratory symptoms. In patients with ...
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic period was associated with increased alcohol consumption. We sought to estimate excess mortality and hospitalizations attributable to alcohol use in Canada between ...