The state left its 'virginity' behind and from 1968 on has learned to live with a new host of partial critiques and small pressure groups. Of course neither Le Dantec nor our modern 'states persons' ...
Including: resistance to Franco, austerity in Belgium, thousands of anarchist and syndicalists jailed in Bulgaria, London busmens' strike 1937, socialism and the state by Tom Brown, Nuremburg trials, ...
On Belgian-Australian writer Simon Leys and his books on China. Plus Maoism: suicide and madness.
The attempt to bridge the gap between art and politics in the same moment retaining Leninist ideology appeared with Mao Dada ...
Including: Kildare farmers strike, aircraft health & safety, Communist Party kills squatter movement, IWMA secretary ...
Maoist 'science' became more of a pseudo religion with a materialist core, founded on the basis of Marxist Leninist-Maoism, ...
On the Red Army Faction, Tupamaros, nationalism, third worldism etc.
Karl Marx’s critique of political economy is oriented on an Aufhebung [a sublation] of classical political economy, for opening up the frontiers of its future as a science, aimed at self-emancipation ...
A moment from the joint rallies of Ukrainian, Russian and local opponents of the war held on December 21 in Berlin, Cologne ...
This is a reconstruction of the course of evolution of Marx’s and Engels’s ideas on women’s emancipation by Maximilien Rubel (1905-1996). Rubel drafted this article shortly before his death in 1996.
Including: Hungary, state troopers raid Russian embassy in NYC, anti-Bolshevik bill in South Africa, dockers support for ...
Including: prospects for WWIII, Spanish anarchists on the rise, James Connolly and the unions, Japanese chemical workers lock ...