Hjemmeeksamen i form av en prosjektoppgave, som teller 30 % av samlet karakter. Avsluttende muntlig eksamen som teller 70 % av samlet karakter. Både prosjektoppgaven og avsluttende muntlig eksamen må ...
The course focuses on advanced algorithms and architectures for deep learning with neural networks. The course provides an introduction to how deep learning techniques can be used to design important ...
In this course you will meet distinguished speakers from industry and universities to give lectures on the topics listed below. Knowledge about the Wi-Fi technology, IP-router architecture, Big Data ...
The aim of the course is to make the participants familiar with advanced statistical regression methods applied to clinical research and epidemiology. This will give the participants a better basis ...
This course gives an introduction to numerical methods for solving problems in physics and chemistry, i.e. methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations, matrix operations and ...
Inntil 4 timer forelesning (to dobbeltimer) per uke. Det kreves gjennomføring og godkjenning av en større prosjektoppgave i gruppe, samt innlevering av obligatoriske oppgaver som må godkjennes for å ...
Statistical analysis is becoming more and more complex, both because of bigger data and many types of data and because of the use of more advanced methods and models. This course deals with numerical ...
This course studies a selection of advanced techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP), with particular emphasis on modern research findings. The focus of the course is on "deep learning", a type ...
Emnet gir en første innføring i sexologi med hovedvekt på psykologiske, sosiale og kulturelle aspekter ved menneskers seksualitet og seksuelle atferd, og sexologisk kunnskap i forebyggende arbeid for ...
This course provides an introduction to different astrophysical subjects with focus on the underlying physical processes, solving problems numerically and data analysis. Some examples include orbital ...