One concept that Sega firmly hung their hat on was online gameplay. The Dreamcast was to be the first home console to be ...
The Sega Dreamcast's library is home to a lot of exceptional games, but one of its biggest strengths is undoubtedly fighters. Such standouts as Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Soulcalibur ...
See, before I got my Dreamcast in November 1999 I owned a Nintendo 64. I couldn't get a Dreamcast at launch because my dear old mother (God rest her soul) forbade me from owning more than one console ...
The Sega Dreamcast's library is home to a lot of exceptional games, but one of its biggest strengths is undoubtedly fighters. Such standouts as Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Soulcalibur ...
Photo of the regular Segagaga release. Photo: doceggfan. When it came to masterminding Segagaga, there was truly only one man for the job. Step up Tetsu Okano, aka Tez Okano, aka "Zolger Tetsu", aka ...
Although judging is still yet to take place, each entry is already available to download from the Dream Disc '24 page for free. While the majority of submissions take the form of bitesize game ...
Another week, another new Dreamcast game is announced! To be fair that title is a teeny tiny bit misleading as Zia and the Goddesses of Magic was technically announced a few weeks ago; but now there's ...
Over the years, The Dreamcast Junkyard has conducted a series of polls that have given Dreamcast fans everywhere a chance to vote for their favourite games to ever grace the system, the results of ...