Surviving homelessness once doesn’t mean you can do it again—especially when age, illness, and a failing safety net make a ...
Landlords in Los Angeles illegally raised rents by up to 5,065% after wildfires, exploiting displaced families and exposing ...
With public fear over crime and homelessness at an all-time high, New York City’s mayoral candidates roll out plans to ...
The Trump administration’s repeal of HUD’s Equal Access Rule threatens access to safe shelter for transgender people as ...
Austin’s $350 million plan to end homelessness aims to expand shelter and housing, but encampment sweeps threaten to undercut ...
After Cornelius Taylor was crushed by heavy machinery during a homeless sweep, Atlanta banned front loaders but still clears ...
Debrina Kawam was burned alive on a subway as an NYPD officer walked past, exposing the deadly consequences of criminalizing ...
These homeless and formerly homeless content creators use social media to share their experiences, break stereotypes, and offer invaluable insights into the realities of homelessness. These Current ...
New VA bill increases support for homeless veterans by raising shelter funding, expanding benefits, and strengthening ...
Rising home prices and stagnant wages have deepened the housing affordability crisis, pushing more working Americans into ...