The right people, the right preparation, and the right equipment: Those are the key factors that three dairy farmers ...
This includes $2.47 billion worth of U.S. dairy products last year. In 2025, the trade deficit for agriculture is forecast to ...
Lameness remains one of the top health issues dairy farms battle, and it is also a serious animal welfare concern.
In 1924, the U.S. dairy herd consisted of approximately 21 million cows, each producing around 4,167 pounds of milk annually.
First only set aside to be celebrated one day a year, National FFA Week has had agriculture students celebrating the seven ...
Just because an udder is not lactating doesn’t mean it’s not doing anything,” said Ben Enger during the National Mastitis ...
There is a list of nutrients that are considered required to help ruminants perform bodily functions properly.
Now, with the help of technology, we can record more data that helps us adjust genetic evaluations more accordingly. To keep ...
As much as we try to avoid having sick cows, at some point or another, we will experience a cow that is feeling under the ...
The transition period receives the attention of the entire dairy industry because of the dramatic and intense changes that ...
The following benchmarks have come up in discussions over the past two months: income over feed costs, cost per pound of dry ...
Cows will naturally go through a negative energy balance when they enter into lactation as their body adjusts from the dry ...