The lack of a physical release may disappoint fans who prefer owning physical copies.
Forza Horizon 5 offers a welcome bundle to players who purchase the game before its official PS5 launch, but not all fans are ...
在2023年4月29日即将隆重上线PS5平台的《极限竞速:地平线5》(Forza Horizon 5),成为玩家们热议的焦点。此次发布的消息不仅让众多赛车游戏迷为之振奋,更引发了关于售价差异和技术表现的热烈讨论。与Xbox版相比,PS5的售价大幅降低,成为了游戏市场的热门话题。 大幅降价:PS5版开启价格新模式 微软在今日正式宣布,《极限竞速:地平线5》将于4月29日正式登陆PS5,引发了游戏玩家 ...
Forza Horizon 5 is currently available on Xbox Series, Xbox One, Windows 10/11 PC, Steam and via Xbox Game Pass. The game ...
在车迷和游戏玩家的期待中,官方终于宣布了《极限竞速:地平线5》(Forza Horizon 5)即将迎来史上最大更新名为“Horizon Realms”(地平线王国)!这一宏大更新将于4月25日与PlayStation 5(PS5)版本同步上线,为玩家们带来丰厚的游戏内容和全新的体验。
Forza Horizon 5 is officially coming to PlayStation 5 on April 29, and that's great for the game. However, it's also missing ...
Last month, Microsoft surprised gamers by announcing that another Xbox-exclusive game is headed to the PS5, and that's racing ...
Forza Horizon 5, the popular open-world racing game from Playground Games, is finally making its way to PS5 on April 29.
A quick look at the PS Store shows Playground Games’ open world racer right at the top of the pre-order charts all around the ...
Xbox has revealed that Forza Horizon 5 will be coming to PlayStation 5 on April 29th, marking the first Sony release for the ...
Players who pre-order the game on PS5 will receive additional in-game content. The bundle includes Forza Horizon 5's cover ...
PS5 fans on the PlayStation Reddit page are full of praise of a new Xbox game just released on the PlayStation Store.