首先,我们不得不承认,借助AI技术确实能够提升电影的整体质感。它不仅可以在视觉效果上大展身手,比如创建逼真的虚拟场景、修复老电影胶片等;如今更是延伸到了音频领域,通过调整演员的声音来达到最佳表现效果。从观众的角度来看,《粗野派》无疑因此变得更加生动有 ...
Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. "The Brutalist" tells the story of László Tóth (Brody), a ...
"Adrien and Felicity’s performances are completely their own," says Corbet, after details emerged on how AI technology was ...
'The Brutalist' is under fire for using AI. Here's what happened, and what the director has ...Jancsó told online tech magazine Red Shark News that the production team used AI to perfect minute pronunciation details in ...
"It is controversial in the industry to talk about AI, but it shouldn't be," Dávid Jancsó tells Red Shark News ...
这部电影不仅因其独特的视觉风格和引人入胜的故事而受到关注,更因为一项前所未有的尝试而成为焦点:使用人工智能来调整主演Adrien Brody的声音,使其听起来更像是一个地道的匈牙利人。这一举措,在网络上引发了广泛讨论,尤其是关于它是否会影响即将到来的颁奖季结果的问题。Sebastan Stan的一张表情包在网络上疯传,标题为“Adrien Brody wins with his AI ...
Brady Corbet's critically claimed film elicited backlash after the editor said that artificial intelligence had been used.
Brady Corbet, director of critically acclaimed film "The Brutalist," is responding to criticism of his Golden Globe winning ...
The Brutalist caused a stir on social media after the Adrien Brody film's use of AI was revealed, calling for an Oscars snub.
Adrien Brody’s Hungarian accent in the critically acclaimed was reportedly enhanced by artificial intelligence – which has ...
The A24 film is under fire after editor Dávid Jancsó revealed an AI tool was used to perfect the actors' Hungarian dialect.