A new installment of the Ninja Gaiden series has been announced. Team Ninja studio is collaborating with the developers of ...
The mystery game in the Xbox Developer Direct was not quite such a mystery after all, as it’s revealed to be Ninja Gaiden 4 for Xbox and PS5.
The Ninja Gaiden 2 Black remaster in Unreal Engine 5, isn't the "definitive" edition KOEI Tecmo wants us to believe.
The recently released Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is set for a physical release on PlayStation 5 only. There is no word on an Xbox ...
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is available now, offering up a stunning Unreal 5 character action game. Here's how it holds up to Ninja ...
The next entry in the Ninja Gaiden series stars a new protagonist named Yakuma who acts in opposition to Ryu Hayabusa, the series' previous hero.
Ninja Gaiden 4 is the latest entry in the "high-speed action series" that is seeing a triumphant return in 2025. Team Ninja is also collaborating with PlatinumGames, best known for their work on ...