Discover the importance of tithing and almsgiving in Catholic giving, and how they can bring us closer to Christ during Lent.
In a new statement, Latter-day Saint leaders reiterated that they consider tithing funds sacred and use them carefully to ...
A Nigerian man said he was a regular tithe payer but he changed his beliefs and stopped giving money to the church, which affected his financial status.
For example, even for the few donors who already budget for charity, the only generally accepted giving formula, tithing, calls for donations equaling up to 10 percent of income. But this guideline ...
Lawyers for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fought Friday to fend off what one called “a broadscale attack” on the Utah-based faith’s constitutional right to govern their own ...
Residents of Pinesdale, afounded decades ago by fundamentalist Mormons, are suing for the land they say rightfully belongs to them; the breakaway church maintains it was never theirs.
SALT LAKE CITY — January's unanimous court ruling against James Huntsman's tithing lawsuit was an acknowledgement of the integrity of the use of tithing donations by The Church of Jesus Christ ...
16 and Jan. 18), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is currently facing a lawsuit initiated by former member James Huntsman based on failing to disclose how his tithing contributions ...