In 2016, former World of Warcraft lead designer Rob Pardo announced a new venture called Bonfire Studios, made up of former ...
Bonfire Studios, an indie game developer started in 2016, is finally coming out of stealth mode with details on its debut game Arkheron.
《魔兽世界》的前任首席设计师正式揭晓了他的新作品——《Arkheron》,这是一款极具特色,乃至难以言喻的游戏。 回溯至2016年,罗布·帕尔多,这位《魔兽世界》的前首席设计师,创立了Bonfire ...
Bonfire工作室成立于2016年,总部位于美国加州尔湾,由一群前暴雪娱乐的开发者创立。最近,Bonfire工作室与HYBE IM达成合作协议,负责在日本和韩国发行一款名为《Project Torcch》的在线团队PvP游戏。该游戏将在欧美地区由Bonfire自行发行。
《魔兽世界》前首席设计师公布了他的新游戏《Arkheron》,这款游戏极为独特,甚至难以描述。2016年,《魔兽世界》前首席设计师罗布·帕尔多宣布成立Bonfire Studios。曾在暴雪工作的行业资深人士,以及Nexon美国分公司前首席执行官Min Kim都加入了该工作室。自那时起,八年多过去了,开发者们如今才公布他们的首个项目——《Arkheron》,这是一款团队PvP游戏。帕尔多表示,这款 ...
It has been eight long years since Rob Pardo, the former World of Warcraft lead designer and chief creative officer at Blizzard Entertainment, founded Bonfire Studios. In that time, not much could ...
In 2016, former World of Warcraft lead designer Rob Pardo announced a new venture called Bonfire Studios, made up of former Blizzard colleagues and ex-Nexon CEO Min Kim.
Founded by industry veterans responsible for iconic franchises including Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo, Overwatch, StarCraft and World of Warcraft, the Bonfire team draws on the expertise and design ...